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Reference Name Covering Dates Description Size File
WO71 344Daly, Edward (prisoner 21)3 May 1916 - 24 September 1917

File relates to the field general courtmartial of Edward Daly [Commandant, Irish Volunteers], held on the 3rd of May 1916 at [Richmond Barracks, Dublin]. The courtmartial was presided over by Brigadier General C. G. Blackader (president), Lieutenant Colonel G. German and Lieutenant Colonel W. J. Kent. Charge against Daly was that 'he did an act to wit did take part in an armed rebellion and in the waging of war against His majesty the King such act being of such a nature as to be calculated to be prejudicial to the Defence of the Realm and being done with the intention and for the purpose of assisting the enemy'. Daly pleaded not guilty to the said charge, but was found guilty and sentenced to 'Death by being Shot'.

File includes Certificate of Execution which states that Daly was shot along with William Pearse, Joseph Plunkett and Michael O'Hanrahan between 4 a.m. and 4.30 a.m. on the morning of the 4th of May 1916.

Witness statements are contained in the file and include Statement for the prosecution of Lieutenant Halpin, 3rd Sherwood Foresters 'I was arrested opposite the Four Courts on Monday April 24. I was taken into the Four Courts and detained in custody'. The witness was then cross-examined by the Daly 'I first saw the accused in the room in which I was detained and he asked if I was properly treated...'. Daly called no witnesses but made a statement which included the following passage 'The officers including myself when we heard the news held a meeting and decided that the whole thing was foolish but that being under orders we had no option but to obey'.

File includes a hand drawn position of burials showing location of seven graves at Arbour Hill, Detention Barracks [Dublin]. Numbers 1-3 were marked 'Yesterday's Graves', and 4-7 were Edward Daly, Michael O'Hanrahan, William Pearse and Joseph Plunkett respectively (4 May 1916, 1p). Also includes letter from Catherine Daly (mother of Edward Daly), 15 Barrington Street, Limerick to Judge Advocate General, London requesting a report on the 'trial of my son' (20 September 1917, 1p). Catherine Daly's request was later denied and draft reply is included in which the reason for the refusal is given as 'grounds of public interest'.

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